Find your new house in a new way.

Evolve lifestyle

vHouzz is reimagining house search by connecting homeowners for long-term house swap, people can live at their dream locations for an enjoyable life.

Relocate Without Selling House

Go to new places without selling your home and you can enjoy the same luxury as your current home. You can explore new places without losing your home.

Confidently Match House

Confidently match your house when homeowners carry equal responsibilities and accountabilities over house care.

Simplified Relocation

No pain to sell your house when you can simply and quickly match your house at a new required location.

No Money and Time Loss

You will not lose thousands of dollars in commission, fees, and taxes. No loss of home equity by selling your house.

No time lost to wait for your house sale and buy a new house when you need to relocate. No need to wait for long settlement time.